Volunteering online made easy?

Most schools rely on volunteers to run their canteens and uniform shops.

School24 online volunteers roster makes volunteering simple and easy.

Parents can easily view the available shifts and select any suitable shift by simply clicking on it.

The administrator can instantly view who is available for which shift.

We also provide all the tools to manage and communicate with volunteers.

Like to see it in action?

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  • Fully web-based and interactive
    Administrators and volunteers can access the system from anywhere and at any time
  • Fully automated
    Parents can interactively roster themselves
    Shifts close when required number of volunteers is reached
  • Easy to manage
    Administrators are provided with Roster management tools
  • Fully integrated with canteen ordering
    The roster is integrated in the parents ordering pages
  • Easy volunteering for parents
    Volunteer can volunteer for any available shift by ONE click of the mouse
  • Supports shift swapping
    Volunteers can swap shifts easily themselves
  • Communication tools
    Ability to send emails to all volunteers
    Email the shift details to individual volunteers with one click