Refunds And Return Policy

We want you to love our products and enjoy your ordering experience with us.

On this page you will find details about how the refunds work.

1. School24 Fees for Schools

School24 charges a joining fee to the school facility provider as outlined in the fees guide sent the school when they enquiry about the system.

School24 offers a 3 months joining fee money back guarantee to any school or provider if they decide to cancel their contract within the first 3 months of using the system.

After the 3 months period, the joining fee cannot be refunded.

2. School24 Fees for Parents

School24 charges a fee for the convenience of using its user friendly online ordering system. The details of these fees are given to schools when they make an application and are also communicated to parents.

School24 offers two payment plans:

Customers can switch from Pay As You Go plan to unlimited plan at any time.

Customers can request a full refund of the unlimited fee before placing their first order.

If a "Pay As You Go" customer cancel an order, the amount of the order minus any fee gets refunded.

If a "Unlimited" customer cancel an order, the amount of the order gets refunded.

Please note:

3. Parents Top-up Refund

The top-up amount minus the total amount of orders placed by the parents (as shown on the remaining balance) can be refunded on request or when the parent is no longer using the service of the provider of the goods. School24 can only refund this amount if the funds are still held by School24 and have not been transferred to the provider of the goods.